A Pussy’s Funeral

Awaken, shaken to the furry bones with impurrrfect emptiness.
Not a drop of silken milk to drink from the miniature, porcelain bowl.
Shadows play across kitten whisker lashes and dance upon windowsills.

Moonlight trickles, patches of fur tickles,
Carcasses riddled with decayed claws of delight
To mar those with feathery flight!

Kneading the bare linen sheets in the company of stale odors,
Rooted into creased pillowcases embroidered with faded flowers,

Driven to the edge, stranded with a pearled string of kisses from lips of steel,
Ensnared without freedom into a cage of emotional imprisonment.
Unfathomable silence that love has been vacant for so long.

Euphoric moans of guilty sin, gratification wrapped with ribbon,
Without lingering caresses and massaged stokes of tail,
To rub and itch the desire within.

Injecting venomous liquid milk to lick with pink padded paws,
Drizzling down the side of your mouth and sticking to your skin,
Outlining your unfortunate, hairline flaws.

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